Month: August 2024

Month: August 2024

Intertwined Lives- Review
August 19, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

By Sunil Kumar   Although I personally dislike the Con’Man’gress and its role in India’s stagnation, creating a template of ‘sycophancy’ and appeasement in the outward veneer of a mirage of so-called secularism, this biography is insightful when it comes to revealing the character of one of the prime movers and shakers in the republic’s

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Reclaiming Bharatavarsha: My Review
August 15, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

By Sunil Kumar Shri Sandeep Balakrishna once again at his erudite and hard-hitting best. A warrior for dharma, he exposes the shallowness of Marxist and Leftist thought and the Nehruvian cabal that dominated the intellectual mindscape, policies and systematic deracination of the Indian mind since independence. He emphasises that decolonisation involves all-encompassing study and scholarship

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