Year: 2024

Year: 2024

Another Interview of Mine- Shared Roots Anthology
June 16, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

1. What was your greatest learning while researching your story ? As I have always been fascinated by history and how the acts of the few impact a vast multitude, writing and researching this story was the opportunity to explore a brave new world through the eyes of a scholarly protagonist – a Tamilian lady

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Crafting a fantasy narrative with India-Cambodia Shared Roots — Interview with Sunil Kumar
June 8, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

My interview taken by Dr. Swetha Prakash on her medium site You have written for the Indica India-Cambodia anthology Shared Roots. Could you talk about your journey as a writer? My journey in writing started in school. I won a prize for penning a poem on a Jesuit poet. The school used to send me

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Lord Rama’s Ethos in Contemporary Indian Society: Values, Challenges and Interpretations
April 26, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

By Sunil Kumar (Finally published March 30, 2024 on the Indica today site with suitable editing and an apt image- Thanks for that) People who want to read it on that site-   Now, here’s the same for visitors to my blog, mates. Lord Rama’s Ethos in Contemporary Indian Society: Values, Challenges and Interpretations Sunil

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Lord Rama’s Ethos In Contemporary Indian Society: Values, Challenges and Interpretations
March 6, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

By Sunil Kumar My article stuck up due to some person’s pettiness. Good we have avenues for free expression these days. Would love people to read my thoughts. Originally written Jan 11, modified March 5. The consecration of the Ram Mandir marks a turning point for India. The temple is a symbol of India’s unifying

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Lord Rama’s Ethos In Contemporary Indian Society: Values, Challenges and Interpretations
January 11, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

By Sunil Kumar ramante yogino ’nante satyānande cid-ātmani iti rāma-padenāsau paraṁ brahmābhidhīyate Translation: The Supreme Absolute Truth is called Rāma because the transcendentalists take pleasure in the unlimited true pleasure of spiritual existence. This is the eighth verse of the Śata-nāma-stotra of Lord Rāmacandra, which is found in the Padma Purāṇa.( Chaitanya-Charitamrita Madhya 9.29- AC

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Echoes of the Past: The Nihang Sikhs and the Interwoven Tapestry of Indian Beliefs
January 10, 2024 Uncategorized Sunil

Echoes of the Past: The Nihang Sikhs and the Interwoven Tapestry of Indian Beliefs By Sunil Kumar Lord, Thou takest Khurasan under Thy wing, but yielded India to the invader’s wrath. Yet thou takest no blame; And sendest the Mughal as the messenger of death. When there was such suffering, killing, such shrieking in pain,

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